Fine Art Prints

Why should you consider printing your best photograph?

Nothing could be more satisfying than to see your finest moment captured, printed and framed in your most comfortable space. That is why, Viji Studio offers fine art print feature with every photography package. It is a small extra investment that you would not want to miss. Best of all, you do not have to order the prints at the same time when you reserve for photography project; unless you prefer to beautify the wall sooner than later. That is exclusively your choice.


  • 12 X 12"
  • $49


  • 12 X 18"
  • $79


  • 16 X 20"
  • $129

Above specifications are for printed picture; therefore, frame size may vary. Prices are estimation only. Modifications in frame/print size may change the final price of the product. For the most accurate pricing information, please contact us.